
August 30 – September 11, 2024
1:00pm – 7:00pm(Last day until 5:00pm)


対話型アート鑑賞会:9月3日(水) 7:00pm – 8:30pm

お申し込み: info@medelgalleryshu.com

MEDEL GALLERY SHUでは、8月30日より9月10日までももえの個展「表面張力」を開催いたします。








 2022年のGEISAI #22でMr.賞を受賞し、注目され、今後の成長が期待される作家です。


MEDEL GALLERY SHU will hold Momoe’s solo exhibition “Surface Tension” from August 30 to September 10.

Momoe is a rising artist currently studying in the Department of Graphic Design at Tama Art University.

By combining two-dimensional flat characters with everyday materials and expanding the boundaries of the canvas, her unique approach seems to challenge or play with the limited, in some ways, the restrictive reality of physical space, contrasting with the digital realm where elements can freely transform, move, and be copied and pasted. This may reflect the delicate balance between the “real” image and the reality of the digital native generation.

In this solo exhibition, I believe I have been able to create many works that become even more interesting when viewed in person. At the same time, I have been careful not to overcomplicate the works by focusing too much on making them interesting.

When thinking of ideas while constantly maintaining balance, it reminds me of the phenomenon where a cup is filled to the brim but does not overflow. Therefore, I decided to title this exhibition “Surface Tension.”


In 2022, Momoe received the Mr. Prize at GEISAI #22, drawing attention and raising expectations for her future growth as an artist.

As the title suggests, please enjoy the current works of Momoe, filled with many ideas and challenges.



私はデザイン科に在籍し、自身のこだわりを守りながら作品にしていくことの大切さと同時に、伝えること、伝わるように作ることの大切さを学んでいる。ゆえに、自分が日常のマテリアルに刹那的に見た面白みを伝えるための制作となっている (文:mitsuki oboro)


I loved manga so much that I collected volumes upon volumes of serialized comics, and I was a child who had been drawing illustrations since I was young. While I continued to draw simply for enjoyment, when I started high school and began worrying about my future, I was praised for my sketches in art class and decided then to pursue a path in art.

At the same time, I had a high interest in three-dimensional objects, and my imagination would expand daily from the various household items in my sight, to the point where I could potentially mass-produce interesting goods. I capture these small, everyday ideas and turn them into my works.

As a student in the design department, I am learning the importance of creating works that not only preserve my own uniqueness but also convey my message clearly and effectively. Therefore, my creations aim to communicate the fleeting charm I see in everyday materials.

(Written by: Mitsuki Oboro)

Profile | プロフィール
2023 「MAYBE」(Hidari Zingaro / 東京)

2023 「Art Voyage: The Path of Expression 〜表現の道 〜」(A4gallery / 台湾)
2023 「台中藝術博覽會」(A4 gallery ROOM909 / 台湾)
2023 「advanced obsession」(Anicoremixgallery / 東京)
2023 「寸前と余談」二人展(白泉画廊 / 東京)
2023 「stay dreaming tune」(Room_412 / 東京)
2024 「Neo-Genesis: Tokyo’s Art Rebirth」(A4 gallery / 台湾)
2024 「和心美術展」(GALLERY JO YANA / フランス)
2024 「FICTION」(新宿眼科画廊/東京)
2024「Road to A2A: Creations of Aspiring Young Talented Asian Artists」(A2Aギャラリー東京)


2024「tagboat Art Fair 2024」(tagboat/東京ポートシティ竹芝)
2024「Mango Art Festival2024」(A4Gallery/タイ)

2023 GEISAI#22
2023 MCM3 クリエイターズマーケットinマルイ新宿ANNEX(株式会社ACG)
2024「a pixel…」(makersspace個展にコラボ作品2点参加/Bastet Gallery)

2024 GEISAI#22 Mr.賞 受賞