

大矢一穂|Kazuho Ohya


July 5―17, 2024


1:00pm – 7:00pm(Last day until 5:00pm)

MEDEL GALLERY SHUでは、7月5日より7月17日まで、大矢一穂個展「Representation−心的表象の絵画−」を開催いたします。当社では3回目の個展ですが、すでに国内外の多くのファンから、本展を楽しみにお待ちいただいている様子が伺えます。昨年のIdemitsu Art Award 2023では入賞を果たし、益々精進に励んでいる新進気鋭のペインターです。


representationはカウンセリングについて学ぶ中で出会った心理学用語です。自閉症スペクトラムの子供は、電車のおもちゃで遊ぶ時、電車と同じ目線になり、自分が電車であるように遊ぶそうです。しかし、イメージの象徴化が進むと、電車を上から俯瞰し遊び、乗客の声など、電車の環境そのものを再現するようになります。(大山泰宏著 心理カウンセリング序説―心理学的支援法― 2021 参考)つまり、外の世界と自己の内的世界を同一視する様な世界観から、外の世界を自分なりに捉え、外の世界のこととして再び現前させるように変化していくのです。この過程を知った時、私の作品制作の過程と似ている、と感じました。自分自身が見聞きしたこと・経験したこと・感じたことの中から、整理のついた感情や行動を絵に描き、「私は世界をこのように見ました・感じました」と表象するのが私の絵画です。







MEDEL GALLERY SHU, from July 5th to July 17th, we will be holding the solo exhibition “Re: presentation – Paintings of Mental Representation” by Kazuho Oya. This will be her third solo exhibition with us, and it is evident that many fans both domestically and internationally are eagerly anticipating this event.  As a promising painter who won the Idemitsu Art Award 2023 last year and is continuing to hone her skills.


“Re:presentation” is a psychological term I encountered while studying counseling. Children with autism spectrum disorder, when playing with toy trains, play as if they are the train, viewing it from the same perspective. However, as the symbolization of images progresses, they play by viewing the train from above, recreating the environment of the train, including the voices of passengers. (Reference: Yasuhiko Oyama, Introduction to Psychological Counseling: Methods of Psychological Support, 2021).

In other words, they transition from a worldview where the external world and their inner world are the same, to one where they perceive the external world in their own way and represent it as something external once again. When I learned about this process, I felt it was similar to my own creative process. My paintings represent the emotions and actions that I have sorted out from what I have seen, heard, experienced, and felt, expressing “this is how I saw and felt the world.”

In most of the works on display this time, there are many depictions of people “seeing” and their perspectives. Many of these figures are like self-portraits. In other words, by “representing” my own figure that sees, I am objectifying myself and exploring how to position myself in the external world.

Although I do not paint exactly what has happened to me, the emotions of the figures in my works and the relationships between them are abstracted and painted based on what I have seen and felt. I felt that the works on display this time are more self-healing than before, so I titled the exhibition based on psychology. I hope you will see how a person named Kazuho Oya lives in contemporary Japan, how his story is expressed in paintings, and how this expression has guided me to a certain point.

Kazuho Oya


We proudly invite you to personally see the works in this exhibition, which are dynamically and narratively enhanced with new innovations in the use of paints and brushes.


大矢一穂|Kazuho Ohya




Humans are said to be divided into “language types,” who excel in understanding and expressing through language, and “visual types,” who excel in understanding and expressing through visual representations. Although I create paintings, I am also a “language type” and have a strong desire to communicate what has happened to me and what I feel through words to those around me. However, when I express things through language, I sometimes find it too direct or feel that it only expresses thoughts, lacking accuracy.
Since the late 19th century, influenced by modernist art, traditional narrative paintings centered around figures and gods have decreased. However, the act of conceptualizing and presenting what happens to oneself (including the very existence of humans) as a story seems to be instinctual. Narrative work has continued across various media, including video, installations, and paintings. Moreover, it seems that the expression of these stories has become deeper and larger, absorbing various methods and ideas from modernist art.
The role of my paintings is to narrate what is happening in contemporary society and what is felt there. Within the framework of oil painting, I will present “human stories” as oil paintings using various representations obtained in contemporary Japan, aiming for a more accurate alignment of mind and body, and sharing these stories.
Profile | プロフィール

1997年 愛知県生まれ
2021年 金沢美術工芸大学 油画専攻 卒業

2019年 連続展示、浮遊する変体Vol.1 個展 Bite a picture  アートベース石引
2022年 個展 円環からの逸脱 TURNER GALLERY
      個展 エヴァの呼吸 MEDEL GALLERY SHU
2023年 個展 Eye to eye,so alive  MEDEL GALLERY SHU

2019年   大矢一穂・松田菜美恵二人展 おとめの排泄展 アートベース石引(金沢)
2020年   KCoA SUPPORT PROJECT 展 金沢アートグミ(金沢)
2022年  「EYES_portrait show by Emerging Artist」(MEDEL GALLERY SHU)
GINZA ART FESTA / 松屋銀座( 東京 )
2023年  「Each Style,Each Way」(NODA CONTEMPORARY)
       「Idemitsu Art Award展 2023」国立新美術館
D-art,ART /大丸東京店( 東京 )
2024年 GINZA ART FESTA / 松屋銀座( 東京 )
D-art,ART /大丸博多店( 福岡 )

2023年  A R T T A I P E I / 台北世界貿易センター(台北)など
2021年 TURNER AWARD 2020 大賞
2023年 Idemitsu Art Award 2023 入選