土井沙織 | Saori Doi
Solo Exhibition
May 10 – 22,2024
1:00pm – 7:00pm(Last day until 5:00pm)
Although this is our gallery’s first exhibition featuring this artist, the gallery owner has been a fan of Saori Doi and has been eager to host her exhibition for some time.
This exhibition features a series of works that reflect Saori’s contemplation on the essence of human and non-human existence and actions, inspired by her everyday experiences.
Saori, who often says she creates to “capture the shadow of something big,” seems to believe that invisible, small, and weak things are better “seen” for that purpose. It might be more appropriate to say “felt.” The sensitivity that she puts into her work always seems to contain something profound and precious.
土井沙織 | Saori Doi
私の作品は、誰かに何かを伝えたいというものとは遠く、ごく個人的なものである。 制作中は画面上を目で追いながら、心は別のことを考えている。
そうして思い描いた形を描き始めても、いつでも想像と全く違うものになってしまう。 描きながらああでもないこうでもない、と探しているうちに、自覚していなかった“見たかったもの”が現れる。